
muratti avatar image
muratti asked

Cerbo gx compatibility

I’m in the process of fitting Cerbo gx which is a great product. My question is: Is it compatible with Truma level control?’ They both use Bluetooth LE. It must be a matter of firmware update like Victron made Cerbo compatible with Ruuvi sensors.

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


It is more a matter of .... is the company or product wanting to be integrated? Are they prepared to put in the work? The Cerbo firmware is open source and it can be done by them if they are interested.

Has it been officially done/supported by Victron? No, it is not on the compatible list right now.

There are already compatible gas sensors on the list like the mopeka.

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romano avatar image
romano answered ·

Let’s hope there is some one in the community that is a good driver developper and as TRUMA and CERBO / VENUS OS ;-) so he could make a Bluetooth driver for venus and TRUMA iNET to communicate !! Since its open source !

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