
retailook avatar image
retailook asked

Fuses on MPPT RS 450/200-Tr when using "dual" cable link to lynx power in

What should be the value of the mega fuse if I have a double line from MPPT RS 450/200-Tr. Still is it 2x 250 A? Please see the picture for details.

fuse-dimensioning.jpgMy setup is 2xMPPT RS 450/200-Tr, modified LynxPowerIns to use fuses, 8x pylontech us5000.

I know in my case it's may be a overkill, but my friend has it wired almost same setup to single cable and it reaches 40c temperature easily (on cable)... and i just have more spare cables, why not use them?

Thank you

MPPT Controllersfuses
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1 Answer
ojack avatar image
ojack answered ·

Fusing depends on the wires and not on the devices. The fuses should protect the wires.

70mm2 can be fused with up to 250A if the wires are located free in air. In your setup each of the paired 70mm2 wires will carry only 100A so you could install all fuses from 125A to 250A.

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Related Resources

MPPT Product Page

MPPT Error codes

MPPT 150/60 up to 250/70 Manual

Fuses & fuse holders Product Page.

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