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helmut51 asked

EV Charging Station NS: Switch

I am planning an off-grid solar EV charger and want to save system energy.

  1. Can the NS be shut off, when not in use?
  2. It seems to me that it can be only done by shutting down the inverter, which would even save more energy. Is it considered to be normal operation to shut down the inverter, when not needed?
  3. Is the NS prepared for this shutdown? Obviously, it must be, but are all the settings remembered including modbus connection?
ev charging station
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Why do you want to turn it off? The internal consumption is very low, so I don't see any reason for this.
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helmut51 avatar image helmut51 Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
I am a bit concerned, if in winter the system is able to sustain itself, so I am just thinking about all options to save energy. That is why I also like the idea of shutting down the inverter (the only load is the car), when not needed, but I am not so sure, if that is beneficial to the life span of inverter (RS Smart Solar) and NS?
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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ helmut51 commented ·
I'm sure there is a breaker installed before the EVCS, so when you don't need it, just disconnect it. But don't expect to have any impact, as I said above the EVCS consumption is very low, few Wh per day.
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