
ziwas avatar image
ziwas asked

CCGX has stopped communicating with the VRM Portal

my device is unable to send logs to the VRm portal. what could be causing this. initially it used to send just after installation. but today its showing last communicated 8 days ago?

CCGX Color Control
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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·

Hi Ziwas. CCGX is a handy device coz it has a screen, so is useful even when/if your web is down.

Go Device List > Settings > Ethernet (or whatever you're using), and seek out it's IP Address. Is it legit?

If not, check out whatever you're using as a router, and reboot the CCGX to see if it picks up one that is.

Just a first port'o'call chance, but try & come back..

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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi Ziwas, We have a guide to follow to solve VRM connection issues:

Read chapter 5 - VRM Portal in the GX manual.

If that does not solve it; then let us know the results of the various steps.

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