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Long term visualization of the EVC charging energy data in VRM?

an EV Charging station was added to an ESS system, WiFi/Modbus-coupled with the CCGX, it works in all modes and can be configured via the CCGX.

In the VRM portal dashboard of the system now there is visible a new box "EV Ladestation" showing the connection state and a small blue graph representing the energy charged to the car (range 24 h?).

What I am missing is a display of the long term historical data of the EVC. Means: values in the big graph (system overview/consumption/ etc.) just for the EVC.

There is also no extra box for the EV charging data in the "Erweitert" view windows page as for all the other devices of the ESS.

How I get such a long term visualization of the EVC charging energy data over time, e.g. over a month/year? Is it therefor necessary to additionally configure something for the EV Charger in the CCGX or VRM portal?

I hope, there is no extra counter necessary in the power lines to the EVC (as it has its own sensors).

Kind regards

ev charging station
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Hi, we are already working on adding extra reports in VRM, including selectable period for energy changed. Thank you for the suggestion!
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rel avatar image rel Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Lucian,

thank you for the info and for working on Saturday!

Did you read my suggestion in the thread "Victron EV charger II & feature requests":

"...please change the firmware of the EVC in a way, that the "Maximum charging current" can be set starting from 6 A instead 10 A?... like for the "Minimum charging current"

and what is your reading?

Have a nice weekend

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Why do you need the max current to be 6A?what's the minimum then?
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rel avatar image rel Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·


in the actual firmware the minimum for "Maximum charging current" is 10 A. The software only reduces slowly at the end of charging.

But in times, when there is not much energy available, it would be fine, to further reduce the charging current in Auto mode. 10 A often is too much here, even in 1-phase operation.

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Maximum charging current doesn't have anything to do with that.
If the maximum charge current is 32A, you in manual mode or the EVCS in automatic mode can vary the current from 6 to 32A as you can see in the picture below:

1682165331503.pngIf you reduce the max current to a lower value, the slider will work from 6, to the new value, let's say 16 A:


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1682165331503.png (7.8 KiB)
1682165427635.png (7.6 KiB)
rel avatar image rel Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Lucien,

sorry, if I disagree.

In Auto mode, the lowest current I can adjust is 10 A, see screenshot of the Settings-General page ("Maximum charging current"):auto-max-current.jpg

If during Auto mode charging I manually shift the slider on the EVC screen to anything between 6 and 9 A, it always jumps back to 10 A within one or two seconds (firmware V1.25).

I just want to reduce the charging current in auto mode to less than 10 A, but the settings does not allow this!

Kind regards

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auto-max-current.jpg (408.8 KiB)
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"slider will work from 6"

That is true, but within 1-2 seconds, the value during Auto mode jumps back to the value defined as "Maximum charging current" in the settings.

Try it on an EVC V1.25 ;-)

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Made some tests:

Adjusting to 6 A via slider in Auto mode works as long, as the "Start" Button is not pressed.

As soon as the real charging of a car is running ("Start"), slider and value are jumping to the value defined as "Maximum charging current" in the settings. No chance to "hold" the slider ;-)

In Manual mode, a current of 6, 7, 8, 9 A can be set with the slider and it remains. No unwanted jump to the value in the settings.

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The slider, in auto mode, is controlled by the algorithm. You can control it only in manual mode. Minimum and maximum current are defining the range for both auto and manual mode.

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rel avatar image rel Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Lucien,
how do you test, real life or PC-Simulation?
Under real conditions in Auto mode with a car connected, it is not possible to charge below 10 A. Any current setting below (in manual mode before changing to Auto or via settings) is overridden by the software with the value defined as "Maximum charging current" (min. 10 A).
By the moment I use the manual mode as workaround for charging with 6-9 A until the bug in Auto mode is fixed ;-)
Kind regards

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"You can control it only in manual mode"

On my EVC, the current slider can be controlled manually with the finger on the touch screen (also in Auto mode and while charging the car), but in Auto mode it jumps after 1-2 seconds to the value defined as "Maximum charging current" (min. 10 A).

This is the reason, why I started this topic with the idea, to extend the range of the "Maximum charging current" value starting from 6 instead 10 A. Just as explanation for my native wish ;-)

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Sorry Lucian for writing your name wrong in some posts!

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Real system, tested few moments ago

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auto-mde.mp4 (1.6 MiB)
rel avatar image rel Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·


did you manually change the current from 6 to 9 A or is it the described problem, that the current does not remain on the desired 6 A but the software shifts it to the "Maximum charging current" value?

Here at my system the shift is much faster, like a jump...

How to fix the current to 6 A in Auto mode?

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