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josd798 asked

Multiplus II + MPPT 450/100 + AC-PV inverter - battery full, MPPT victron power for critical loads

Current situation:

AC-coupled solar installation works together with the DC coupled MPPT to charge the battery.

When battery is full, the DC MPPT is shut down, and the AC-coupled inverter will keep providing power to my house (ac-load and Critical loads).

i also have a EV-charger (Zappi), connected to the AC-pv inverter.

? is it possible, when battery is full 100%, that the DC inverter / MPPT would stay active to provide the amount of power for the house or only for exaple the loads connected tot the "critical loads" on the MUltiplus II? = +/- 300W

reason is that i could send 300W more power extracted from the AC-panels to for example the EV-charger....

Multiplus-IIMPPT Controllers
2 |3000

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