
andreas-siebenmorgen avatar image
andreas-siebenmorgen asked

EV Charging Station FW 1.25 “off grid Mode“


can anybody tell me how “off grid mode“ works in firmware 1.25?

Even in Auto mode and above SOC treshold set in charging station it refuses to start automatically.

How can I teach my system to charge my car, even if there is not enough solar power (until battery is discharged to 35% SOC)?

I have no BMS in palce, so all the PV power (5 kWp) available will go into the battery. BTW: The battery can handle more than PV can deliver ;-)

So there will be no excess power until my powerwall is nearly reaching 100% SOC.

How can I tell my system to charge my car even if my powerwall isn‘t fully charged?



ev charging station
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mike-lynch avatar image mike-lynch commented ·

Any chance the original question can be answered?

Apparently, the Auto mode type by default is in 'Feed-in' and there doesn't appear to be anywhere in the setup to change it manually to 'Battery powered'.

Does something cause it to change automatically? If so what? Does the lack of an AC input automatically put it in 'Battery powered?

I've forced mine into both modes in my grid connected ESS system. Both modes work as expected with the 'Feed-in' mode requiring export.

I noted that the 'Waiting for Sun' status 4 only seems to appear in 'Feed-in' mode and when the EVCS is in 'Battery powered' mode it uses 'Waiting for start' status 6 instead?

However I have a customer with one in an ESS system but is limited to zero export. How do we get the EVCS in a grid connected ESS system into 'Battery powered' mode without having to write to Modbus register 5065.

If I put a new one into an off-grid stand alone system will it automatically re-configure itself to 'Battery powered' mode and function as expected without it having to see export, or will it remain in 'Feed-in' mode and simply use the SOC settings?

Thanks in advance for the full description.

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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ mike-lynch commented ·
yes, if there is no AC, it will switch to battery mode. Or, as you said, using register 5065
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5 Answers
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Not enough PV to start

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andreas-siebenmorgen avatar image andreas-siebenmorgen commented ·

How is “enough“ being defined, until powerwall is still charging?

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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ andreas-siebenmorgen commented ·
Automatic mode is designed to charge with only with what's available from the sun. But the minimum current for charging a vehicle is 6A@230V. So you need more than 1.3kW
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Michelle Konzack avatar image Michelle Konzack Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
Hmmm, this sounds not good, because I will run into the same problem even if I get my new batteries with 7320Ah @24V and the Sun/Wind has charged them entirely full the day and I come home around 20:00 and can not charge my future EV.

I think, there should be a NEW option in the FIRMWARE with a HUGE WARNING:

1. Allow charging automatic without PV support.

2. Allowed SOC

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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ Michelle Konzack commented ·

It's pretty hard to have a simple device but also complex enough to satisfy all the customers expectations. That's why you can make custom scenarios in Node-red for example. Have a look here: -

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andreas-siebenmorgen avatar image andreas-siebenmorgen Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Hm, but when does charging starts? How is “excess power” defined? Only when my Powerwall is full?

What about cloudy days where clouds switches 20 time a day between full power and no power.

Will charging be interrupted also 20 times a day then?

It would be VERY helpful when local powerwall will be used to buffer those cloud gaps.

It could be so easy, just set a SOC value where using battery will be prohibited and a SOC value where EV charging starts even when there is not enough PV power provided.

I assumed that exactly the two values in the charging station were intended for this.

It is not very handy what is Victron actually providing to us, because if my car ever charges automatically, which never happened until today, I cannot set any priority or value to charge my car even if there is no excess power.

It is totally ok for me to use some of my powerwall capacity to be transferred to my car AUTOMATICALLY.

For now only manual mode solves my problem, or node red. But I expect to have this basic function available without need to use node red.

And reading many post it seems I am not the only one missing a function like this ;-)

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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ andreas-siebenmorgen commented ·

It depends on the size of your system. But, all the threshold, start stop values and delays are configurable (link above) So you can fine-tune it yourself if you want.

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andreas-siebenmorgen avatar image andreas-siebenmorgen Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Ok, nice to know but this is out of my scope for now.

Where can I find documentation to fiddle around with those parameters?

Can you tell me what value to modify for example to tell my charging station to start charging when powerwall is above 60% ?

How can I read or modify this value using node red?


Is there any way to check or set this value using Web interface of charging station?

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Michelle Konzack avatar image Michelle Konzack andreas-siebenmorgen commented ·
Me too, because I install Victron Systems at my customers and using Venus OS Large (with NodeRed) can end up in a nightmare once you have 10, 20 or more installations made.
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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ Michelle Konzack commented ·
I agree with you, In this case, leave everything on default and it should be ok. During cloudy periods, manual mode should be used.
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michael-krueger avatar image
michael-krueger answered ·

if I read here, even after changing the firmware to 1.25 it is not possible to operate the EV charger in off grid mode for automatic operation even though I have a 12kwh battery and 15kw panels and the sun is shining 4kw but it still says weiting for sun....can you please advise how and where to set to start operation automatically at the set SOC (from-to). I have Multi rs6000, battery 12kwh, panels 15kw, cerbo and now Vitron EV charger firmware 1.25. but auto charging doesn't work, only manual. Thank you Michael

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Can you share a video of the main webpage while saying “waiting for sun” ?

20-30 sec should be enough

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michael-krueger avatar image michael-krueger Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

ok, thank you... it's already late today and the PV output is only about 1500W, I'll send it when the weather is better :) but the battery is about 60%, the car could be recharged....

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michael-krueger avatar image michael-krueger michael-krueger commented ·

video is here...aca65746-aee8-4e7d-ae2b-24379731c051.jpeg

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michael-krueger avatar image
michael-krueger answered ·

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Something is strange with your installation, you are producing ~2.5kW, consuming ~200W and nothing goes into the batteries. One of the condition in the algorithm is to have enough power to continue charging the batteries, and that's not happening. Please explain what's happening with the rest of the energy.

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michael-krueger avatar image michael-krueger Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

b1d9cc8a-68eb-42d8-a0ef-34ad7632bf2f.pngeef70219-d2df-4c9c-b197-3db8b853c657.jpegI am sending a photo of the wiring, wallbox, GX and Multi RS Solar 48/6000 it always showed only amps and Volts, never Watts, VE.can connected. also the WRM only shows amps and volts...Do you have any idea how to display wattage? Thank you



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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ michael-krueger commented ·
Can I connect to this system and take a look?
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michael-krueger avatar image michael-krueger Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

No problem, do you need any login information?

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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ michael-krueger commented ·
No, I have all the details above (system name)
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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ michael-krueger commented ·
Ok, I'll have to ask my colleagues responsible with RS project, it seems you are right, on the RS, at least for the current SW version, the power is not displayed. To solve it fast, you can add a battery monitor on your system (Smart Shunt, BMV 700, 701, 702 etc) But I will check and give you an answer if on the RS inverter, the battery power will be added.

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michael-krueger avatar image michael-krueger Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

I thought it ... According to my tests, when the battery has over 97.7% and the sun's power at least 1500W then it is possible to turn on the manual mode and turn back to the car mode and then it works. But if the soc battery drops below 97% followed waiting for sun... But then it works at least in Auto Mode 97-100% SOC...

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michael-krueger avatar image michael-krueger michael-krueger commented ·
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michael-krueger avatar image michael-krueger michael-krueger commented ·

Poznámka: Při nastavení SOC například na 98% se zapne automaticky nabíjení při 98,5% když nastavíte vypnout dle SOC vypíná se stejně jako při zapnutém SoC tedy O 0,5 více. Pokud tedy chcete aby se auto nabíjelo v automatickém režimu, po připojení nabíječky auto přepněte do manuálního nabíjení a potom jestli máte baterie nabité minimálně na 98% přepněte zpátky do automatického režimu nabíjení. Potom vše funguje jak má. Avšak musíte mít nastaveno SoC na 99% a nízké SoC třeba na 97%. Nabíječka v automatickém režimu vypíná při 97,3% SOC..

Nebo jak zde píše pan Popescu použijte victron shunt..

Doufám, že bude brzy nový firmware...

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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ michael-krueger commented ·

Hi, we have just released a new Venus OS beta firmware v3.10~2, it should fix issue above. Can you please test it and confirm if the power is displayed now?

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leoo avatar image
leoo answered ·

Unfortunately with V 1.25 and Venus OS 3.0 off grid charging with the EV charging station still does not work. Battery was at 100%, full sun at noon - but EV charger still reporting "waiting for sun". After turning to manual charging was done with 11kW.1686256328795.png

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Can you record a short 10-20 sec video when this is happening?
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leoo avatar image leoo Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

There is no video necessary. Here are more specifics on the system:
15.4kwP system
20kWH ESS (Pylontech US5000) 3xMP2 5000/70, one on each phase.
System is off-grid, everything (house, ev-charger, Solar Inverter) is connected to Victron MP2 AC-OUT.

This happens when the car is connected to the EV-Charging station, the Battery is at 100% and the Solar inverter is throttled because of excess solar energy and low consumption. It seems like the new setting don't have any effect on the ev-chargers behavior. It behaves exactly as in 1.23

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Can you share a video? I know why I'm asking this, trust me...

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leoo avatar image leoo Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
A video from what specifically?
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the main webpage of the EVCS
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Pavel Brand avatar image Pavel Brand Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

evcs is now working in off-grid on auto??? it didn't before,because it could not determine excess power without feed-in

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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ Pavel Brand commented ·
it is now
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Pavel Brand avatar image Pavel Brand Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

tested,working,thank you! (using batteries for now,will tune)

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thomas73 avatar image
thomas73 answered ·


I need to upgrade my firmware but I need a file because my FW (1.22) is to old and no BLE connection.

Someone can send me this ?

Have a nice day


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