
offgridcircuits avatar image
offgridcircuits asked

Alerts for Temp warning or overload on Multiplus?

I have a multiplus 2x120 and it often goes into temp warning. Is there a way in any system to get an alert when this happens? I have a cerbo, so an audible alert or message or email would would work to my iphone on the network. I cannot hear the cerbo from where I am inside the RV.

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Is the system online?

If it is you can get push notifications.

If not there is a relay on the cerbo you could wire something up to and get a bigger buzzer or run a light to where you can see it.

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offgridcircuits avatar image offgridcircuits commented ·
It's always online with a cerbo connected to the internet. I installed the app on my iphone to configure notifications It wants a portal ID. Been searching for this and cannot find it. Frustrating.
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ offgridcircuits commented ·

You just sign in with your vrm id.

Once done, add a widget for the site and enable push notifications. All in the docs or numerous other posts.

The portal id is on a sticker on the cerbo and listed in the vrm settings tab.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ offgridcircuits commented ·

Portal id is found under settings -VRM portal menu....?

Push notifications set up links are in this blog.

You need to create a VRM account as well. Use the vrm app.

The alarm rule, once you have done the above 2 steps, is found in the side bar - settings+ - alarm rules....

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