
hoeken avatar image
hoeken asked

Cerbo GX (or Touch 7) occasionally resetting

I haven't been able to catch it in action yet, but occasionally either my Cerbo GX or my Touch 7 display is restarting and throwing up some kind of splash screen while it does it. It is pretty sporadic and doesn't seem to be related to loads, SOC, or even anyone touching the screen.

It doesn't seem to affect my system in any way, other than being a little annoying and maybe a sign of something else being an issue?

Anyway, is there a log or something I could dig into on the Cerbo and see if there are any errors happening.

cerbo gx
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

@hoeken could it be that the Cerbo has lost connection with the internet, and has rebooted?

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hoeken avatar image hoeken klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
I don't think so. It happens both on land and at sea. We just crossed the Atlantic too so were without internet for weeks there.
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2 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

I have noticed mine to do that a few times as well. I think it happens when I am using the node red dashboard on a mobile device and then touch the screen on the touch 70 to wake it up at the same time. Touch 70 stays dark and then several seconds later I see the blue victron splash screen. I haven't confirmed that theory yet though.

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Trevor Bird avatar image
Trevor Bird answered ·

@hoeken the Touch 70 draws a little bit more current than the Touch 50. If you have the screen on an extension lead, and if the auto brightness is on, when the auto function brightens the screen it can draw enough current to cause a small amount of voltage drop which casues it to reset. It does this repetitively unless the brightness is set to manual and reduced. As the brightness goes up, the voltage at the USB outlet of the CerboGx can reduce to 4.85 volts. If you add a small amount of voltage drop as a result of a long USB cable extension, the screen can just continue to reset.

This may not be your issue but I have seen this in the past.

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hoeken avatar image hoeken commented ·
Interesting. Not sure this is whats causing it for us, since we first noticed it rebooting at night on passage when all of a sudden the screen lit up with the splash screen.
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