
saboken avatar image
saboken asked

Multi plus II 12v 3000w fan getting noisy after 6 months in the desert

Any known issues using a Multi plus II or any Victron hardware in a RV desert environment? My equipment was installed in a front compartment it has some air flow from underneath. Not much dust has built up in the compartment during the 6 months I was in Quartzite AZ, I left today and noticed the fan in the Multi plus is louder than I remember it ever being! I'm also plugged into 30A shore power I have a 50a camper using the same 50a to 30a adapter I used with the generator . I discovered the noise when the Cerbo GX wasn't connecting to my Wifi network? (It was running the entire time I was running off a 5G mobile router on Verizon) the wifi was working it was just the Cerbo GX kept giving me an error when I tried connecting to the router and a backup ssid on the the Starlink modem it Also would connect to. I don't know if the issues could be related? I was able to get the Cerbo GX to connect after I pulled the power from it. Reboots from the touch screen did nothing to fix it. I'm concerned the Dusty environment could have damage the fan in the inverter! It was installed by a Victron dealer they didn't say anything about watching for dust build up. I sure know my truck has dust in places dirt has never reached before. Just concerned should I pull the cover off the Multi plus II to inspect the fan/s I don't know how many it has I've never pulled the main cover off it

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1 Answer
theo74 avatar image
theo74 answered ·

Removing the MP cover is not to hard, and quite easy to do. Unplug the battery and mains power if present, and remove the screws of the cover. After that you have a full view and access to the internal components. The fan is located at the pcb with heatsink, and can be unscrewed quite easy also.

Maybe there is some dust/dirt on the fan blades causing them to get out of balance a bit. Otherwise the internal bearing of the fan axle might be filthy or worm out a bit. If you need to check this, you must remove the round sticker in the middle of the rotating fan part, release the small round axle spring which will show (be carefully that it won’t dart away), then you can pull the fan blades from the fan, and access the bearing. Adding a little bit of lubricant like WD40 on the axle and bearing can help.

The worst case scenario is that you need to replace the fan for a new quality brand fan, but those are not too expensive, so no worries.

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