
michael-sd avatar image
michael-sd asked

How to connect the MPPT 100/30 (VE.Smart) solar controller to an existing VE.Can network?

I want to upgrade my existing RV solar system by 370 watts. I want to use a Victron SolarSmart MPPT 100/30 solar controller for the new panel. How do I connect the new controller to my VE.Can connected system? What is the difference between VE.Can and VE.Smart? I plan on upgrading my system in November 2023, so I'm looking for information before ordering. The proposed upgrade kit also includes the Victron Energy Smart Battery Sense Long Range Voltage and Temperature Sensor (which only seems to support VE.Smart). Is this compatible with the VE.Can network? Thanks

12V System: 600 AH Battle Born Batteries, 1110 watts solar panels (3 * 370 watts), Victron SolarSmart MPPT 150/85 controller, Victron 12V/24V 220A BatteryProtect, Victron SmartShunt 500A/50mV, Victron Cerbo GX w/display - installed in 2020. Connected via VE.Can. I also have the VictronConnect app to connect to relevant devices.

VE.Smart Network
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2 Answers
michael-sd avatar image
michael-sd answered ·

I also have a Victron Quatro 5000-watt inverter in my system.

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Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

VE.Can is only necessary, if you want to connect several SolarSmart MPPT 150/cc VE.Can in parallel, because the need it for synchronisation. If you will ever have only one MPPT the go with VE.Direct because the CAN Version is much more expensive.

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michael-sd avatar image michael-sd commented ·
I already have a MPPT 150/85 solar charger with VE.Can, so the MPPT 100/30 will need to be in parallel. So I am looking for synchronization between the two solar chargers.
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Related Resources

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VE.Smart Networking Manual