
Richard Weir avatar image
Richard Weir asked

Multiplus 2 Aux relay working off SOC

My Aux relay is only giving out 50v when the it is closed, it should be 230v as is the input. It’s there to control a central heating circulation pump which runs when the heat pump is running which runs when SOC is >15%. But today it’s not working, just giving out 50v which is not enough to run the 230v pump

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4 Answers
Richard Weir avatar image
Richard Weir answered ·



Wiring and state of the system with >15% SOC

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Richard Weir

Were you running the load direct off the aux relay? Or passing it through a contactor?

Max through the aux is 4Amps at 230v, see foot note 5 in the tech specs.

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Richard Weir avatar image
Richard Weir answered ·

It’s on a 3a circuit and only running a small circ pump which takes minimal load.

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Richard Weir avatar image
Richard Weir answered ·

Since I have 2 Multis working in parallel, I set up the other w multi with a generator start assistant without realising that it was already working in parallel. Anyway after relearning all the parallel multi stuff again I just wired my circuits through the slave relay and it works again. I’m pretty sure there is a fault with the Master multi relay which cause the problem in the first place.

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