
JohnC avatar image
JohnC asked

GX firmware Auto Update not working?

Spotted somewhere that 2.30 was available, so went for a look. Still on 2.23. My CCGX set for 'Check and update' to 'Latest release'. Clicked on 'Check for updates' and 2.30 bobbed, so I forced it and all good with the update.

I've noticed this previously, but wasn't sure, so I never mentioned it. This time I was waiting..

Is this a bug that the beta testers wouldn't actually be expected to find? Or am I doing something wrong?

No big deal, but features that don't work aren't conducive to customer confidence.

CCGX Color Control
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5 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

My system automatically updated.

EDIT - There is an intentional delay so that the auto updates run somewhere during the night (in GMT).

If you have a system that hasn't yet automatically updated, please leave it and see if it does automatically update in the next few days.

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Martijn Coster (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Martijn Coster (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

V2.30 was only released yesterday. The first night it could have auto updated was last night.

best regards
Martijn Coster
Victron Energy

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markus avatar image markus ♦♦ commented ·

Yesterday? Seems like, I have not been patient enough. As usual. ;o)

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

This question was answered also by Matthijs in another thread. The server attempts the upgrade at 0200 UTC, which is noon for me. I must have caught it by just minutes today, and the auto-update happened as expected. Thank you all.

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

What I observed, was looking for the update manually, it was not available and actually showed up under a "release candidate" search, despite having been launched. This may be an aspect to reflect on.

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markus avatar image
markus answered ·

Hi John,

it's exactly the same in my case. I waited for 3 days for the autoupdate to happen, but I had to manually install 2.30 on my VGX.

Is there an intentional delay in the autoupdate process maybe?



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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Thank you gentlemen.

If you're sure it's all working fine, then ok. I wasn't aware that 2.30 was so recent, and of course GMT+10 is different for me - my system takes a break in GMT nighttime (long story), so maybe I'm missing the server 'quiet times' when these things may be scheduled to happen.

I'll test it again more thoroughly next time. But like I said, no big deal. My understanding sometimes needs a kick in the backside to move it along..

Cheers to all. :)

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