
alan-w avatar image
alan-w asked

AC Ignore with a time schedule


I have a 28kwh battery and 8000w multiplus 2 currently running using ESS. I want to try the AC ignore function to disconnect from the grid unless soc is low or load is high, this part I do understand. I also want to establish grid connection between 0030 - 0430hrs to charge my battery utilising a cheaper tariff, this is where I’m having trouble and can’t find a way to integrate a time schedule to carry out this function.

All help is appreciated

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5 Answers
Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

Victron advise not to use ESS when ’ignore AC input’ is applied To a system!

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alan-w avatar image
alan-w answered ·

Hi Mark

Thanks I had spotted the ESS / AC Ignore clash, so I want to run off grid using AC ignore for 20hrs per day and then synchronise and run in parallel for 4hrs per day to allow the batteries to charge. Not sure if I actually require the ESS assistant to run this way

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alan-w avatar image
alan-w answered ·

Maybe there is a way to switch in node red using a schedule the multiplus between on and inverter only, that may work

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

If you are not feeding energy back to the grid you don't need ESS.

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alan-w avatar image
alan-w answered ·

Ok thanks Kevin

I have kept ESS enabled for now as I have another charger schedule running within it.

I have set up multiplus “switch” in node red with one timer driving the switch to position 2 and another driving the switch to position 3 which was a lot simpler than I thought earlier this evening

2- ON

3- Inverter Only

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