
rgeldenhuys avatar image
rgeldenhuys asked

MultiplussII inverter cuts out when connected to lithium Mecer Lifepo 4 200ah battery.

My inverter ran 100% on 4 agm 100ah batteries. i switched over to 2xMecer 200ah Lifepo4 batteries and also changed the settings to lithium in the inverter. It started cutting out showing overload and Battery low. I changed the cables etc but it got progressively worse. It now cuts out with ac power still running. I recharged batteries to full to ensure balanced charge but still no joy.It now cuts out completely with no indication on the panel. Back to agm and it works fine.

Multiplus-IILithium Battery
2 |3000

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3 Answers
Peter Buijs - NL avatar image
Peter Buijs - NL answered ·

Please add some details: type of the Multiplus, how the batteries are connected, series or parallel.

If I look at the Mecer 200ah Spec's they don't support parallel configuration. And max. discharge current 100 A.


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rgeldenhuys avatar image
rgeldenhuys answered ·

VICTRON MULTIPLUS-II 24/3000/70-32 with 2 x12v 200ah Mecer batteries in series. The settings are configured as per the battery spec sheet, only difference is max charge current can only go to 70. How will the discharge current influence it?

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matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·


Sounds odd.

Sounds like when you've updated your settings to LiFePO4 that you've maybe missed one somewhere. You mind sharing what settings you changed when changing to LiFePO4, someone might be able to spot one that's not quite right and resolve your issue.

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