
oktobaer avatar image
oktobaer asked

Solved: Update failed - shunt 500A - Version 2.41 to 2.43

I was forced to update the Shunt500A via app 2.41 to 2.43.

Update got stuck for no reasons at 33% and didn't proceed for 5mins any more , so I had to stop the update unfortunately.

As a result the Shunt LEDs are blinking red/blue now and not accessible any more via app.

Tried in vane to reset it via disconnect and reconnect the power.

Any ideas how to fix it please?

firmware update
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1 Answer
oktobaer avatar image
oktobaer answered ·

I could see the VICTRON app using for the update stayed black after the update fail.

So I used another phone with the Victron app and gladly could reconnect to the Shunt. Seemed no firmware at all was existing but could conduct an update to 2.43 now.

Let me see if everything remains in a good shape and will report back later.

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