
chrisr avatar image
chrisr asked

Only one VEConfigure on parallel inverters?

I've recently setup a two quattro 10KVA setup, running single phase parallel.

Initially, I set it up using VEBus System Config, then loaded ESS on both inverters using the software.

I want to tweak a few things remotely, when I go into VRM Portal and remote VEConfigure, it only gives me one config file to download - is this right? I thought I'd have a Master and Slave file similarly to when I did the VEBus config when I had to put the ESS assistant on both inverters.



MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·
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Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

chrisr avatar image chrisr commented ·

@JohnC Fantastic, thanks :)

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