
charles borsboom avatar image
charles borsboom asked

charger installation

Hi all,

I am a newbie so forgive my ‘stupid’ questions.

This my configuration.

- 4 pv panels connected to MPPT 100/50

- 2 100ah 12v batteries in series

- phoenix 24 / 1200 inverter

- bmv 712 smart

- blue smart charger 24 / 12 / 1

Now my questions are:

1) is it possible to connect the smart charger parallel with the MPPT to the batteries and keep it switched on all the time.?

2) How will a switched on charger influences the PV/MPPT charging process?

3) Is there any option in e.g. the MPPT to automatic switch on the charger in case the battery voltage get low?

thanks in advance!


MPPT Controllerscharger
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

1) Yes it is possible to do this.
2) The switched on chargr will keep the battery fully charged. The MPPT will not be able toput very much energy into the battery, so solar will be "wasted".
3) It would be possible to set the Tx port to "Virtual Load Output" then set a user defined algorithm for the load output. The Tx port would then be used to drive a relay circuit which in turn could switch the Smart Charger on and off.
The Tx port is a logic level signal, it will not drive a relay directly.

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charles borsboom avatar image charles borsboom commented ·

thanks a lot for your answer. As still the same ‘newbie’ i don’t get your solution for my problem as stated in answer 3 completely. Can you please give me some more details about how to do this (or a link or something like that so i can read it all over again.


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MPPT Product Page

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MPPT 150/60 up to 250/70 Manual

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