
goopy avatar image
goopy asked

Venus OS and mystrom plug

I want to connect the mystrom Plug with Venus os on my Cerbo GX , to do some switching

any help ?

i want to control my sun-1000 inverter by switching on and off with the Plug ā€¦

Venus OS
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered Ā·

Yes, you can control Mystrom plugs using Node-RED, there are Mystrom nodes available for installation.
Use the large image on your Cerbo GX and activate Node-RED and then create the flow that you want to control your Mystrom plug.

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goopy avatar image
goopy answered Ā·

Oh Perfect , sorry i am new in business, do you have an Example ?

where i can learn about usage?
no implementation in Venus os as device ? To See Loads ?

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