
alaskannoob avatar image
alaskannoob asked

Trigger a Dump Load Over the LAN with a Second Cerbo GX Connected Only to LAN?

We have 2 x MPII, 2 x MPPT RS 450/200, and a Cerbo GX at Location A. Our cabin, Location B, is 700 feet away and connected by a trenched wire and a fiber optic cable. Cerbo is connected to the LAN (no internet) via the fiber optic line.

I'd like to have a dump load at the cabin (literally a dump load, running a cement mixer that mixes up our large compost bin) anytime the batteries are full and we have enough PV coming in.

Is there a way I can have an additional Cerbo GX at our cabin (or an Rpi) turn on a relay for that dump load when the batteries are full? Can the additional Cerbo GX connected to the LAN at the cabin turn on its relay even though it won't have any connections other than a network cable and power (since the other Cerbo at Location A will be the only one connected to the MPPTs, batteries, and inverters)?

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Adding a send GX device of any sort won't help. They are not communicate or exchange information amongst themselves even if they are on the same subnet.

A better way is to use Node-RED on your existing CerboGX to form the logic to trigger the event and then use some sort of LAN controlled smart plug or smart switch at the other end to switch the mixer on and off.
For example, there are nodes available for TP-Link smart plugs, when the node is set up then the smart plug can be controller directly from Node-RED. There are several other brands of smart switches out there which have accompanying nodes, the choice is yours.

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alaskannoob avatar image alaskannoob commented ·

That would work, thanks for the info!

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