
mjsemjse avatar image
mjsemjse asked

How many EasySolar-II (48/5000/70-50 MPPT 250/100 GX) can be used in Parallel single phase?


Can someone expert advise me how many EasySolar-II (48/5000/70-50 MPPT 250/100 GX) can be used in parallel for a single phase system? How much can be the maximum system size in a single phase using them?

Thank you

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1 Answer
marekp avatar image
marekp answered ·


You can have up to 6 MultiPlus-II units connected in parallel.

EasySolar-II has MultiPlus-II unit inside but also MPPT and GX.

You cannot have more than 1 GX in the system therefore you will have to physically disconnect additional GX units and leave only one.

The better (cheaper) way is to have one ES-II unit in the system and add MP-II units (same power) in parallel to it.

Even better way is to have MP-II units connected in parallel and use externally one GX unit and as many MPPT units as you need.

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mjsemjse avatar image mjsemjse commented ·
Thank you.
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