
kaypea avatar image
kaypea asked

Solar charger alarm relay contact specification?

I've searched all the information to try and find the ratings for the alarm relay on the EasySolar 2GX, but no luck so far.

Does anyone know these ratings, as I want to switch 240v through the contacts, but unsure if the internal circuitry is safe enough to apply 'mains' voltage to them. Current is only a few milliamps so that should not be a problem.

If they can't handle 240v, then another external relay will be used and switch 12v instead.

EasySolar All-in-One
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

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kaypea avatar image kaypea commented ·
Many thanks - I looked all over for that... Victron have lots of manuals and data which is good, but soemtimes finding just the bit you want can be hard!
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