
kostya avatar image
kostya asked

Update of multiplus 12/3000/120-50 is to buy Victron Energia interface MK3-USB?


So the situation is next: year ago I bought MultiPlus 12/3000/120-50 (first version). And only now(in two weeks) I have a chance to start connecting it in our camper. And I bit confused about initial firmware update.

1. As I understood from what I found it is essential to buy Victron Energia interface MK3-USB to make initial firmware update. This can't be done via Cerbo GX(which I have).

2. In many tutorial videos there as well you need to enter some password which you can get from your distributor(and that one could be a problem, as in my country Ukraine is a war and it's hard to say if the company is still running or not, and I'm at the moment in other country). Or password is not needed for firmware update and make initial setup?

firmware update
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Michelle Konzack avatar image Michelle Konzack commented ·
If you are in Estonia maybe I can help you.

I have an Off-the-Grid Farm near Rakvere

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3 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

you can do a fw update using the victron vrm with the cerbo connected. this must be done using a windows computer. a mk3 is not needed to do this.

also unless you have a reason there is no need to update the fw on the multiplus

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

The firmware version currently installed on the MultiPlus must be at least 426 to do the update via the VRM Portal.

If it is lower your need a MK3 Interface.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Kostya

There are several ways to update VE.Bus firmware. Via VRM, VE.Flash, or Victron Connect. VC might not be suitable with older fw units, but yours is fairly new so should be ok.

I think the only one that needs a password is VC, and it's "zzz". Not giving anything away here, it's in the manual..

The remote VRM method (without a MK3 adaptor)..

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djsmiley avatar image
djsmiley answered ·

Check the microprocessor (white sticker on the chip inside the unit). Not all Multiplusses have VE.Bus
If your multiplus has a 18xxxx this is a non VE-Bus unit and does require the MK 2.2b (and not the MK3)

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