
natas avatar image
natas asked

Resetting solarcharger user yield

Hi, this is my first post in this forum.

I just got a new solar PV installation with Victron and Pylontech. Everything seems to be working fine. I enabled MQTT (even plaintext at the moment) and am collecting data for injecting in my local database.

According to the dbus wiki entry at the path "/Yield/User" in com.victronenergy.solarcharger is user-resettable. I'd like to reset it daily (with a cron entry or so) and last night I tried to manually set it to zero, but I was unable to do it.

I tried these:

root@einstein:~# dbus -y com.victronenergy.solarcharger.ttyS6 /Yield/User SetValue 0
root@einstein:~# dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=com.victronenergy.solarcharger.ttyS6 /Yield/User com.victronenergy.BusItem.SetValue variant:int32:0
method return time=1675207561.303585 sender=:1.51 -> destination=:1.6994 serial=745848 reply_serial=2
   int32 0
user@mylaptop:~ $ mosquitto_pub -m '{"value": 0}' -t 'W/<VRMID>/solarcharger/278/Yield/User' -h venus -p 1883
root@einstein:~# dbus-spy

But when querying the value afterwards, I'm still getting the same:

root@einstein:~# dbus -y com.victronenergy.solarcharger.ttyS6 /Yield/User GetValue
value = 45.36000061035156

Is there any other way to reset the /Yield/User for my solar chargers?

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1 Answer
natas avatar image
natas answered ·

I just found that if I repeatedly run "dbus SetValue 0" during a minute, then I actually get a 0 in my local graphite. However, it seems that something is overwriting the value, because as soon as I stop setting the value, then my graphite shows the yield since boot.

Any ideas, what might be overwriting the value?

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