
vic-user-2837489 avatar image
vic-user-2837489 asked

AC loads won´t show on Console Home Screen

Running a new 24/2000 smart inverter on a Venus. No Multiplus / ESS running, simply several MPPT, BMV etc. all VE-direct connected.

Everything works perfectly fine, my Venus shows smart inverter values in the submenu - but it wont show readings from the 24/2000 on the console home screen. I expected power values to show automatically as "ac loads".

Isn´t this a supported feature? Would I need to install an additional external meter?

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1 Answer
vic-user-2837489 avatar image
vic-user-2837489 answered ·

Found another thread ( stating that visibility will come with ver2.30

We´re currently at 2.23

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