
sheppy avatar image
sheppy asked

EasySolar 5000 Network Connection

Can someone please help and let me know exactly where the cat5 network connection is so that O can connect my unit to a router? I've looked at all the information available and it's not mentioned anywhere! I can only see two physical connections at the top of the lower panel, one is in use but I don't know if the other is the correct one.

EasySolar All-in-One
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1 Answer
Alistair Warburton avatar image
Alistair Warburton answered ·

If this is the older style Easy Solar, with a multiplus and CCGX, rathr than a multiplusIIthen th ethermet connection has to be to the CCGX.

The two RJ45 connectors at the top left of the powr enclosure are VE.Bus I think... Could be VE.Can, it isnt importent in this context as they are not Ethernet which is the pertenant point.

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