
gexle avatar image
gexle asked

@Kevin Windrem (Supply AC loads instead of charging - behavior on cloudy days)

Hi @Kevin

Supply AC loads instead of charging - behavior on cloudy days - Victron Community (

Kevin, can you perhaps also install the above script using the setup helper, thus simplifying the installation.

Doubh's instructions look difficult.
Would that be possible?
Don't want to do anything bad is just a question because the problem affects me too!

Please Thanks

Venus OS
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4 Answers
gexle avatar image
gexle answered Ā·

What is that for exactly?

Maybe for something?

See image


unbenannt.jpg (40.8 KiB)
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gexle avatar image
gexle answered Ā·


Kevin has this got anything to do with it?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered Ā·

Turning this into a SetupHelper package is not something I want to undertake, but the author of the code could do that if they wish.

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doubh avatar image doubh commented Ā·
Hi Kevin,

do you have a description of how to make a SetupHelper package?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem doubh commented Ā·
yes, there is a document included with the SetupHelper package that explains how to make a SetupHelper package.
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gexle avatar image
gexle answered Ā·
It would be nice if the script could be turned on or off with a switch.
I also assume that you have to set something in the script.
It would also be great if you could make these settings via the interface.
If you can wish for something.
It sure is a lot of effort.
Thank you both
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