
ijureti1 avatar image
ijureti1 asked

CCGX connection troubles with the VRM

In our mountain hut we have installed MultiPlus 24/3000/70-50 inverter and Color Control GX on last December.

The CCGX is connected to the modem/router in the hut by ethernet cable. On the same router are connected a video surveillance system and the wireless weather station.

The video system and weather station are working just great, uploading the data to the internet servers with no interruption.

Contrary, with our CCGX from the beginning we have just the constant troubles with communicating with the VRM Portal.

The point is that this communication is never completely interrupted, sometimes (really rarely) is working fine uploading the data every minute and is possible to launch remote console from VRM. Otherwise, is uploading data every a few hours, or even doesn't work for a few days (and than suddenly the data is uploaded), and than is no possibility to use remote console at all.

I will repeat, all other devices connected via same router are sending the data regularly!

Our mountain hut is remote in the mountains far away from the road, and is hard to maintain and supervise the system without this remote monitoring feature.

Any advice?

CCGX Color Control
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Replace the RJ45 network cable as it maybe faulty

have you turned everything on thats needed in the CCGX

take the CCGX to your home and test it there and see if its working. if not contact who you purchased it off.


at the cabin connect a computer to the network and see if you can get a connection to the CCGX directly.

2 |3000

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