
nam-erik avatar image
nam-erik asked

Unstable temperature reading


I have a 3 phase installation with 3 MP II 10000, PV and battery. Did use the temperature sensors that comes with the mullties and connected these to the Cerbo for room temperature monitoring at various positions.

The ESS was configured for multiphase regulation. ESS was changed to single phase regulation, after which spikes on the temperature sensors are observed. How can this be? This does not make sense. The spikes observed are considerable.

Refer to screen shot below:temp-spikes-post-change.jpg

Temperature Sensor
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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

It looks like electrical noise generated by high current switching?

Have you tried re-routing the sensor cabling away from high current cabling?

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Related Resources

Victron temperature sensor disambiguation table - which product supports which sensor