
peterbaust avatar image
peterbaust asked

Can the MP2 be controlled via Modbus-RTU RS485 or CAN-Bus


i want to override the usage of a EM24. Therefore i want to use a IOBroker with a Modbus-RTU-Interface. Is it possible to control the Victron MP2 over RS485 interface.

I know it is possible via Wifi. But i do not want to use any WLAN/LAN-Connections. I prefer direct wired control.

Or is it anyhow possible to control the MP2 by wire?

With best regards,


Venus OS
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1 Answer
hardy-tuner avatar image
hardy-tuner answered Ā·

Yes u can read and change some Parameter via rs485 on the MP2. There is a list on victron page.

With gx firmware 2.9x and up, u have also possibilty touse node-red on gx device for making a workflow and change something on victron devices

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