
DuŔan Klofutar avatar image
DuŔan Klofutar asked

More data on PV tile


in flow overview on PV tile is only Watts, Voltage and Amps comming from solar panels to my SmartSolar 150/100 (charger input). Can i somehow add extra line to display Amps and Voltage which are going to my battery bank (charger output A and V) ?

I use raspberry pi and Venus 2.92 with Kevin Widrem Gui mods.

Venus OS
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DuÅ”an Klofutar avatar image DuÅ”an Klofutar commented Ā·
Is there anyone who could answer?
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2 Answers
bigbadbob76 avatar image
bigbadbob76 answered Ā·

Yes... if you are good with programming.

You need to modify the OverviewHub.qml file ;-)

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DuŔan Klofutar avatar image
DuÅ”an Klofutar answered Ā·

So mission impossible for me.

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