
davidkester avatar image
davidkester asked

Control the internal transfer relay

Is it possible to control the internal transfer relay using MQTT on a Quattro or Multiplus?

Independent or not AC input is present.

The situation: a generator is connected to the input of a Quattro which has not a stable and constant frequency. I need this for a short time, therefore I would like to use inverter only. If I select inverter only, the internal transfer relay is stil closed, or passthrough. I cannot physically disconnect the generator from the Quattro.

It there a way to disconnect the relay using MQTT?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerMQTT
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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

On my Multi Compact, switching to Inverter Only DOES open the AC input relay and ignore the AC input.

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bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

@davidkester you could configure an assistant (through VeConfig, for which you need a MK3 USB adapter and windows) to ignore input AC until you close one of the auxiliary input relays. Then connect a switch to the auxiliary input. When the switch is closed the input is accepted and when open the external relay is open.

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