
crashkopf avatar image
crashkopf asked

VenusOS image Raspberry Pi SD card from Linux

I'm trying to image VenusOS onto an SD card for Raspberry Pi from a Linux computer (Debian, specifically). I'm not familiar with the tools for creating a filesystem from a .wic file. The VenusOS wiki lists tools for Windows, but nothing for Linux. I haven't found any clear instructions from the web searches I've tried.

How do I image VenusOS onto an SD card from Linux?

Venus OS
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3 Answers
bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered Ā·

@Crashkopf you can use the dd command. The wic file is the input file and the sd card is the output. You can do a man dd for more information on the command line parameters for the tool.

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crashkopf avatar image crashkopf commented Ā·

Thanks for your help. The file extension was what threw me off, but knowing that it's a compressed image file I was able to write to the SD card with the following invocation:

sudo sh -c 'zcat venus-image-raspberrypi2.wic.gz > /dev/mmcblk0'

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do2frk avatar image
do2frk answered Ā·

Seit dem neu flash gestern der SD Karte in meinem Raspberry 3 B + hab ich keinen zugriff mehr auf meine VRM ID und es wird als "fremdzugriff" gewertet

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xsilvergs avatar image
xsilvergs answered Ā·

Download Balena Etcher on to your Linux PC, it's an AppImage. This can then be used to write your OS to the sd card.

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