
rns avatar image
rns asked

Devices always get disconnected

Since I added a second bms and second smartsolar controller my rapsberry pi3 started crashing (at least no network connection at all)

I bought a new raspberry pi4 4gb and now my devices get disconnected all the time.

Anyone having the same issues ?

How to solve it ?

My devices are connected via the DIY rs485 to usb connector cables but it is strange that they work when I reboot but get disconnected sometimes after a few minutes sometimes after some hours.

Connected devices ;

2 BMS's

2 smartsolars

1 multiplus II


At this moment one BMS, one smartsolar and the multiplus are not connected.

If I reboot the PI they are all live again at least for some time (from minutes to hours)

Sometimes they are all disconnected.

Venus OS
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3 Answers
rns avatar image
rns answered Ā·

Did a test over the last day and only kept the multiplus with the mk3 connector to usb and one smartsolar inverter connected and had no disconnections.

* is number of devices an issue ?

* are the diy cables an issue ? Now only one DIY cable is connected.

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gnagflow avatar image gnagflow commented Ā·
Maybe some kind of isolation problems, plug for every usb connection an usb isolator in between
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rns avatar image
rns answered Ā·

I start to get this issue as soon as I add 3 devices with a DIY cable/When I adde a victron BMS.

Not sure if this conclusions is correct.

Everything works fine with Multiplus MK3 cable and two smartsolar chargers with DIY cable.

As soon as I add a BMS I start getting disconnects and all devices disconnect so BMS, smartsolars and the victron..

Can someone help with this issue ?

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rns avatar image
rns answered Ā·

anyone with the same issues ?

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