
js2401 avatar image
js2401 asked

RS232 to USB Converter Accessory


On Victron's accessory page I see a "RS232 to USB converter"

Does Cerbo GX have a driver for this? Why is it on the website?

I connected a similar Keyspan but Node-RED doesn't recognize it with nodes from node-red-node-serialport. same with other Tripp-Lite adapters.

This would open many possibilities to easly connect other devices to Cerbo GX.


cerbo gx
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3 Answers
shaneyake avatar image
shaneyake answered ·

I haven't used that exact USB to serial converter but I use a lot of RS485 to USB adapters and GX supports most serial converter chips out of the box.
Can you describe what you are seeing in NodeRed? Does it show up in the serial port list?
By default serial-starter will grab the Serial port and it will not be accessible from NodeRed but will still be in the list of Serial ports.
You have to remove it from Serial-Starter.
look at the part about "Howto make serial-starter ignore certain USB types"

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js2401 avatar image
js2401 answered ·


Bought a Raspbery Pi 4 to compare and develop before deploying to Cerbo GX.

On Cerbo GX doesn't look like Node-RED lists any of the devices plugged into the two USB ports. All I see are /dev/ttyS0, S3...S7 regardles of what I pugin. Firmware version is v2.92


On the Raspbery Pi 4 I installed the latest Venus OS and the same devices do appear in Node-RED. Firmware version v2.92


Why is there a difference on the USB devices listed between the two platforms?


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shaneyake avatar image shaneyake commented ·

Do you know what the Serial cables chipset is?

I have cables that use the FTDI-chipset FT232 and they work fine on the cerbo.

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js2401 avatar image
js2401 answered ·

Closing this question:

The problem appears to have been the Tripp-Lite adapters I was using.

Switching to an FTDI adapter fixed the issue.

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