
jwalsh avatar image
jwalsh asked

Do I also need a shunt to monitor

e409195e-43ec-488f-9d69-2efae21e735b.jpegHi, I’m researching to upgrade my teardrop trailer to lithium batteries with Victron components. If I install a victron smart charger and a victron solar controller, do I also need to add the smart shunt?

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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Jwalsh,

Yes, or maybe better a BMV-712.

I installed a smart shunt in my teardrop, and now wish I installed the BMV-712 instead because it would make it a lot easier for other people (my wife) to use the system. Also when we are camping we usually don't have our phones as much (and don't want them!) so having the dedicated screen next to the water tank level would have been better in hindsight.



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