
victron147 avatar image
victron147 asked

First victron smart shunt

I just bought a smart shunt and i want to wire it up to 3 battery banks to monitor.

I know that it will work with 2 bank, what do i need to do to get 3 or even 4 battery banks working on this unit?

My second question is connecting this smart shunt to multiple banks. Right now i have 3 battery banks going to a main Positive bus bar and Negative bus bar, then from the bus bars (1 pos and 1 Neg) to one of 3 inverters.

Where would the best spot be to tie in the smart shunt?

each battery bank goes into a breaker before connecting to the main bus bar.

Any advice would be great!


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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

The shunt will only monitor one battery bank, but from your description you only have one bank: All batteries (or series-connected strings of batteries) are connected in parallel).

The shunt goes in a common point between batteries and loads. You may be able to connect the three negative leads from your batteries to the battery side of the shunt. If that isn't possible, you'd need a second negative busbar.

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