
vronsky avatar image
vronsky asked

Does VENUS OS work on Odroid mini computer ??

As described in topic.

My vendor claims it does, but Odroid is not listed in the image list >

If it does, which image can I use (on a Odroid C4) ?



Venus OS
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered Ā·

I seem to remember that the BBB image would work, but this was for C2:

Otherwise you'll need to build for a new machine:

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vronsky avatar image
vronsky answered Ā·

Odroid does not work.

I'm now installing the latest BBB OS image on a BBB, it's taking a long time, install looks stalled, how long should it take ?

The USR1 (D3) LED keeps blinking, while other 3 are steady.

Problem with MicroSD ?? Board defective ?

Any suggestions?

Big thanks,


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