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hrklev asked

Simulating Energy meter


I have an ESS setup where I am using the Multiplus to keep the net consumtion to zero most of the day, but charge the batteries during the cheapest hours if there has not been enough sun during the day. I have a device connected to the electric company's reader that is also connected to my home assistant setup. I am also using home assistant to control the Multiplus via MQTT. I have set up a simple flow in home assistant that changes the AC grid setpoint to control the Multiplus. It works great, but to keep the net consumption to zero when big loads are turned on of off in the house, the Multiplus responds a little slow. I would guess with a Energy Meter it would react a bit faster using the built in control logic in the Multiplus...?

I am wondering, is there any way to simulate an energy meter via MQTT? So I could just send the readings from the meter directly to a MQTT topic? I have tried to locate a topic like taht, but have not forund it.... If it does not exist - why not?

My Multiplus is located a good distance away from the net meter, so installing a Victron net meter and pulling a network cable for it would be a slight PITA....



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