
obenschlaefer avatar image
obenschlaefer asked

How to enable the project function ? - VenusOS Large - Node Red


iam using the venus OS Large image (raspberry4 v.2.92) and i want to enable the "project-function" as described here:

But i cant find the correct "setting.js"

I set "project enbale: true" here:


but nothing happens. Is it possible at all in the large image?



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1 Answer
johan-b avatar image
johan-b answered ·

The NodeRed document says the projects feature will only work if git is available on the system, which isn't available on my Cerbo GX device.

I use the NodeRed project feature on my HomeAssistant install (which has git installed) and I agree it would be a nice feature to have to as it allows for revisions and backups of the Victron NodeRed flows.

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It is not too hard to install git. Just login via ssh and:

opkg update
opkg install git
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usernamepasswordbs avatar image usernamepasswordbs Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
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