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saboken asked

Final install is it right or missing something?

pxl-20221030-2150486602.jpgpxl-20221030-212709671.jpgpxl-20221030-212815069.jpgpxl-20221030-212721840.jpgpxl-20221030-212713339.jpgSolar questions

My system was installed on Friday. It looks like it's done right. But I have a few questions about kill switches for safety. They only put a Breaker between the Solar panels and the Solar charger/controler all the YT videos I've watched over the last year everyone said a Fuse and DC switch rated over the max output of the panels should be used. Also should I have a switch between the Batteries and the lynx distributor? Or between the Lynx and the Inverter so I have a way to kill the DC from the 2 Huge Lifepo batteries. Anything else that might be missing? See photos. The System is A Multi plus II 12v 3000w,. Lynx distributor, 500a smart shunt, Cerbo GX 50. 2 Battle Born Game changers 270AH each. And 4 Rich solar 200 Watt panels.

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