
salv avatar image
salv asked

CCGX Generator Tile name disappeared after update

Hi, just did a firmware update from V2.05 to latest V2.92 on CCGX, the red display box nameimg-20221027-141910866.jpg usually as generator has no name now and in the setup page AC1 is set to generator but still nothing on the tile, any ideas thanks

CCGX Color Control
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3 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

when the generator starts then the name will apear, when there is NO AC coming it there is no name as nothing is connected

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salv avatar image
salv answered ·

It shows when running let's hope all is good thanks again for the advice

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salv avatar image
salv answered ·

Okay so that's now normal as before running firmware V2.05 the tile was always labelled ' generator ' even when not running, all settings still the same as before, I see on next run time if it comes up when on, thanks

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