
finnk avatar image
finnk asked

Multiplus ii external current transformer connector has changed, what is correct wiring

Hi all,

I am sorry to ask this as I am sure it has come up already, I have searched the forum but I cannot find any posts mentioning this.
I have a brand new Multiplus II 48V 3000VA and an external current transformer to use with this.
The connector on the new Multiplus II is no longer the little audio-style jack that is on the current transformer. Instead there are 3 push fit wire connectors with one jumper wire in place. Can someone please tell me the definitive way to wire the external current sensor into this? I do not want to damage the multiplus II on it's first install over something this small.

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1 Answer
Jason - UK avatar image
Jason - UK answered ·
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finnk avatar image finnk commented ·
That's exactly the one, thank you.
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