
mattyroo avatar image
mattyroo asked

Turn off MPPT via Cerbo using input to Cerbo

We have 4 x MPPTs connected to a LifePo battery bank, managed by an Orion BMS. I want to turn all of the MPPTs off when we have a charge warning issued by the BMS. I can create an input to the Cerbo, which the MPPTs are connected to via VE Direct. Is it possible that the Cerbo can issue a command to turn off all MPPTs, or alternatively limit their charge output to zero amps, whilst this input is high?

Alternatively, could swap the Cerbo out for an Octo, as it will accept more VE Direct devices.

MPPT Controllerscerbo gx
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Depending on the model, Orion's can communicate to the Cerbo over CAN, so if you configure the profile right and have DVCC enabled, the battery should be able to control the chargers.

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