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jeanmarie asked

Scheduled charging "feature"

I'm learning Victron environment as newbie and I discovered the Scheduled Charging "feature" available from ESS menu.

After reading the different subject about this "feature" and experiencing myself on my installation I have come to the conclusion that, in its current state, this function is totally useless.

Point is that the ESS is forced in "keep battery charged" whatever the SOC condition state is (fulfilled or not)

Based on my programming experience of PLC system in the industry, the so called "feature" or "system feature" would be named bug by users. But changing slightly the managing logic for this feature could make it totally useful instead of useless.

Like changing the code from

if "scheduled time activated" then
    switch to "keep battery charged"
    if SOC < setpoint
        Start Charge battery
        Stop Charge battery
    end if
    Stop Charge battery
    Switch to  selected mode in ESS
end if


if "scheduled time activated" then
    if SOC < setpoint * 0.98
        switch to "keep battery charged"
        Start Charge battery
        if SOC > setpoint * 1.02 then
           Stop Charge battery
            Switch to  selected mode in ESS
        end if
    end if
    Stop Charge battery
    Switch to  selected mode in ESS
end if

What do you think?

battery chargingESS
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