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parisfox asked

Easysolar II GX 5000 250/100 - Network Fails


I have an Easysolar II GX 5000 250/100 since April of this year and it has been working correctly (apparently).
However, from time to time I have had problems connecting easysolar to my home lan network.
In fact, after 2 or 3 months without any apparent problems, I start to receive alerts from my router (Fritzbox) with new equipment connected to it and I have already noticed that it is my inverter that seems to lose the connection and re-establish a new one, getting an ip address different from the range of my home network.
I also noticed that in this period, which normally coincides with the absorption period of the inverter, the count of PV production and loads is practically zero in the VRM (communication failure, I assume).
What could cause this communication failure?
Is it normal for the inverter to have a "normal" ip within the range of ip's of my network and to appear another ip completely as "local address"?
Attached print of the remote console.
Thank you for your help.



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