
peter100 avatar image
peter100 asked

Smartshunt solar reading

I have just installed a smartshunt 500v and are using a 80w solar panel with regulator plus a fully charged lead acid 105ah battery.

When the system is on with the sun shining the reading on the smartshunt is only 3 or 4 watts being inputted. Should it be showing the full wattage that the solar panel is producing or is it because the battery is at maximum charge so the shunt is only showing what the battery can accept.

Any thoughts



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2 Answers
Louis van der Walt avatar image
Louis van der Walt answered ·

The panel can only supply power if there is something that will use that power. If your battery is full, then there will be nothing coming in.

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peter100 avatar image
peter100 answered ·

Thanks Louis I was hoping that would be the answer with my solar panel being new I didn't know if it was faulty.

Thanks again


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