
pedaaa avatar image
pedaaa asked

grid feed-in at night with negative gridset-point is not shown in VRM historical data?


for some more battery cycles for balancing i sometime feed in from battery to grid overnight.

I do this by setting a negative grid-setpoint of -2000W.

Here you can see this overnight feed-in power:

this was done from 20:00 evening to 6:20 morning.


but VRM hystorical data, does not show this:

no grid feed in shown during night...

also its not counted for the total grid feed-in value:

I know from gridmeter, that the acutal feed-in energy from this day was 12,49kWh, but VRM only counts 3,2kWh:


is this a software bug?

Or is this on purpose for some reason?

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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Pedaaa,

It is perhaps more accurate to think of this as a temporary limitation, and hopefully a short term one.

We have developers working on improving this 'gap' in the presentation of the data right now.

This data is being recorded already, and accessible to you via the advanced section if you export the kWh totals, but this will be shown on the dashboard with some upcoming updates.

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pedaaa avatar image
pedaaa answered ·

Hello @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ,

are there any news on this?

I have monitored for while now, but the offset of VRM captured data, and real world data is getting bigger and bigger..

I have quite big PV with ~38kWp for home use. So i have set Gridsetpoint to -100W or -150W to really have zero import from Grid, even at fluctuating or fast ON/OFF loads.

But as "feed in because of grid setpoint" is not counted within VRM, the VRM data is getting more and more incorrect over time.

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