
Bert Hennephof avatar image
Bert Hennephof asked

Can I test a EasySolar-II-24V-3kVA-MPPT-250-70 without PV and Battery

I want to prepare all installation and wiring for a system with the EasySolar-II-24V-3kVA-MPPT-250-70.

As I don't have the PV panels and batteries yet, can I safely switch on the system and use on the grid only (with load on the outputs?

EasySolar All-in-One
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Bert Hennephof

No. As most of the settings require battery reference . One example of its operation is power assist.

You will see DC ripple warnings and potentially damage the power pack.

Wire a bypass switch in so you can prepare your install Wiring etc and when your batteries are delivered, connect, program and go live.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
It’s also a great way to weld the AC relays.
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Bert Hennephof avatar image
Bert Hennephof answered ·

OK, thanks.

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