
techmuc avatar image
techmuc asked

Multiplus II ESS / 400W Restriction


Is there any update /plan on making the 400w ramp-up-speed restriction of ESS configurable (i.E. deactivate or make it changable)?


There are multiple factors that determine the response time to a (digital-) command to feed in: [..]

  1. Hard coded rate limiting in the inverter/charger firmware: as per ESS version 162 it is set to 400W per second. The reason for this rate limiter is that without that there are regulation problems (overloads and such) when the mains is weak (long cables and such resulting in a relatively high impedance). More information on that here, as well as in the main ESS manual.

Not really my top priority, but it would still be nice to be able to react faster.


Multiplus-IIess grid setpoint not reached
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3 Answers
chergyro avatar image
chergyro answered ·

Hi techmuc

Have you found out something in this topic?

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disaster123 avatar image
disaster123 answered ·

How can we remove that limit if we don‘t need it?

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peregrines avatar image
peregrines answered ·

Any news about this topic?

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